Daniel Maissan: Photographing with a Focus on Social Causes
Q: Let me say, I love your blog. Do you think nowadays a blog is useful for a professional photographer? Also, is your blog a part of the activity to present your vision and your work as a photographer?
A: I think a blog is useful for any type of job. It’s a way to share what you do and how you feel. It’s a way to get noticed and have the occasional ego boost every human being needs. You can share your visions, your pictures and your struggles. Also I think it’s nice to inform and help people when they have questions about what you do.
I didn’t do a course or go to a school for photography; I’m what they call a self-taught photographer. But to say that wouldn’t do credit to the people (photographers and non-photographers) around me, who I asked questions. Also it would not do justice to the blogs and forums I read to get the information I needed. People learn by example, good or bad. I think a blog can be a …read more